
This Planet is a Tedious Place...

12/02/12 How long have my comments been broken?

I've been wondering why I never get any blog comments - nothing since March 2010. Must have been the last time I fiddled with the script...

Either that or nobody reads this rubbish...

posted by Gruntfuggly # 15:51 8 comments

Thanks for the tamiya motor list :)

Somebody # 06/06/12 18:22

[center][/center]yes alo is broken but much still works""

Somebody # 04/03/12 21:14


Somebody # 28/03/12 14:31


Somebody # 28/03/12 14:31


Somebody # 28/03/12 14:31

where the hell am i ?

Somebody # 10/05/12 16:49

where the hell am i ?

Somebody # 10/05/12 16:49

Thanks for the tamiya motor list :)

Somebody # 06/06/12 18:22

Somebody # 10/02/25 01:11


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