
This Planet is a Tedious Place...

30/09/10 Yalightbox (Yet another lightbox)

I think I've created the simplest and smallest lightbox script so far. [Edit: actually, it's not the smallest, but I still think it's the simplest].

OK, so I doubt the world wide web (or whatever it's called these days) needs another one, but it does just what I want and not a lot more. It uses jquery and works with proper browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) and also IE6 onwards. I haven't tried it with IE5, but I'm not holding my breath.

Try clicking this image to see it in action:

Get the source code here. For further details, have a look here...

posted by Gruntfuggly # 21:55 Comments...

Somebody # 03/12/24 10:33


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