
This Planet is a Tedious Place...

20/02/10 Bye bye Blogger, and good riddance...

So Blogger decided to stop supporting FTP publish blogs, leaving me a bit stuck. I had a play with Wordpress but it didn't seem to be very easy to customize, and doesn't support arbitrary scripts.

So I decided to roll my own in perl. It should publish a valid RSS feed (please accept my apologies for anyone who received multiple updates during development!) and supports comments with via logging in to a local account. I had a look at some code to implement OpenID, etc. but it all looked a bit too tricky...

posted by Gruntfuggly # 21:20 3 comments

Actually, maybe good riddance is a bit harsh - it was a free tool after all.

Gruntfuggly # 21/02/10 20:01

Blogger has gone backwards a long way in the last couple of years. I love WordPress - once you understand how themes work it's pretty easy to customize, but I agree that the lack of arbitrary scripting can be a pain. How long did your own engine take to construct and how secure is it?

JoJo # 21/02/10 20:37

Not very long to be honest - there's not much to it. Everything is stored in flat files (a bit like blogger), and the login system uses a simple database. Not sure how secure it is - it's probably not really an issue anyway with my meagre audience! My biggest worry is spam posting, but I've got a strategy for that...

Gruntfuggly # 21/02/10 23:01

Somebody # 10/02/25 00:39


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