
This Planet is a Tedious Place...

09/06/09 Can't let go...

What do I do with my battered 12" G4 powerbook?

It can't cope with Flash anymore - that's basically all it gets used for - web browsing (under the very easy to use parental controls for the kids). It feels like it should still be a great little machine, but it's just not quite there. But I can't bring myself to get rid of it - the form factor is still better than anything else (including the MacBook I'm using now)...

Not only that, but it's got the mini-dvi to S-video adaptor that means it'll display quite happily on my old Sony TV - and there doesn't appear to be an equivalent adaptor for the mini display port...


posted by Gruntfuggly # 22:28 4 comments

02/06/09 Everybody should have a Stress Relieving Bikini Hen Squeezy Toy...

One of Deal Extreme's specials: a Stress Relieving Bikini Hen Squeezy Toy

posted by Gruntfuggly # 15:26 1 comment