
This Planet is a Tedious Place...

25/07/08 Optional Exposure

Some of my many readers will remember that I had a particular gripe about OSX's Exposé feature, where it forced you to mouse over every window to find the window you really want, because it would only show the title of the window under the mouse. A right pain if you have lots of text editor windows that all look the same when shrunk to fit on the screen.

While searching for Mail RSS hints and tips, I came across this posting which points out that you can hold down the Option key to show all the window titles! Very nice. Not sure why it's an option though - it would be better if pressing the key toggled the feature on and off.

Maybe the reason it's not more well known is that it seems a bit buggy. It worked for me first time, but it seems to be a bit hit and miss for some people...

posted by Gruntfuggly # 16:39 3 comments

01/07/08 Holiday snaps...

I've just added some photos from my holiday in France - camping in Carnac. Really nice campsite, with excellent facilities for the kids, and a top excuse for me to check out the megaliths that are all over the place in the area.

I've also taken the opportunity to try out a new photo viewing script Thickbox, which has some nicer features than the old script I was using, Lightbox...

posted by Gruntfuggly # 23:22 2 comments